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Veneers services offered in Palm Bay, FL

Veneers provide a safe and effective treatment option for individuals looking for a more permanent tooth correction solution. At Smile Care Dentistry, Swetha Reddy, DMD, offers veneers to enhance your smile and treat a variety of cosmetic concerns. Learn more about veneers by calling the Palm Bay, Florida, office or booking an appointment through the online portal.

Veneers Q & A

What are veneers?

Veneers are a custom-fit cosmetic solution covering cracks, chips, and other tooth imperfections. Veneers are often made of porcelain and resin materials, making them non-toxic and safe. 

Additionally, veneers don’t require a full set for maximum efficacy. Many opt for only a couple or just enough to cover the most visible teeth. 

Veneers come in a variety of types to support your specific needs, such as:

  • Composite
  • Porcelain
  • No-prep

Composite and porcelain veneer procedures require etching and grinding down some enamel of your tooth. This ensures secure and safe placement of the veneers. No-prep veneers maintain more of your natural tooth but still require a slight reduction.

Which veneers are best?

Determining which veneer option is best for you depends on several factors. Porcelain veneers tend to be more expensive and require multiple visits to the dentist's office. However, porcelain is stronger, more stain-resistant, and lasts longer than its resin counterpart.

Resin-based veneers are more easily implemented and require fewer office visits. They tend to be less expensive than porcelain options and are easier to fix should something go awry. The slight tradeoff is that they do not last as long, only 5-7 years, whereas porcelain veneers last up to 10-15 years with proper care.

Are veneers permanent?

Whether veneers are permanent depends on the type of veneers implemented into your mouth. Most forms of veneers are permanent and cannot be reversed. However, some forms, such as no-prep and pop-on veneers, can be reversed. Most veneer solutions require a slight reduction in your natural enamel, which can’t be restored once lost.

How do you care for veneers?

Caring for your veneers consists of a simple yet effective oral hygiene routine. It’s advised to brush your teeth at least twice daily, using fluoride-based toothpaste. Additionally, antibacterial mouthwash and flossing aid in the cleanliness and longevity of your veneers. Always make sure to schedule regular check-ups at your dentist’s office for frequent cleanings and updates.

If you’d like to learn more about veneer opportunities, call the Palm Bay office to schedule an appointment or book online through the reservation system.